As Mark Twain said, “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”
As always this is the Democratic leadership and the Obama Superpac called mainstream media using made up issues to distract us from the truth. They do not care at all about women or women rights. They will do and say anything to hold onto and regain power. Their outrage is made up for a political purpose. As a footnote I do not think the Republican leadership is any better.
If this outrage was real they would be outraged at Ann Coulter being called a Nazi Whore. They would be outraged at Laura Ingram being called a slut. They would be outraged at Sarah Palin being called a twat. In fact the President just took $1,000,000 from Bill Mayher. They would be outraged with Jimmy Hoffa calling me a son of a bitch with the President standing right beside him. It is all fake. Lies have become the truth and the truth has become lies.
It would have been better if we had not had to pass the bill to find out what was in it as Ms. Nancy said.
Ms. Fluke graduated from Cornell University in 2003 with a degree in feminist gender studies. What is that? She enrolled in Georgetown saying she was 23 when she is 30. I call that lying which already makes her untrustworthy in my opinion. She stated that “contraception can cost a woman over $3000 during law school”. I believe that is also a lie. She stated herself she enrolled at Georgetown with the express purpose of changing Georgetown’s policy.
In her testimony she brought up the issue of contraception and here entire testimony was hearsay. Why couldn’t any of these women testify for themselves?
The kicker is that Georgetown already covers this if it prescribed by a doctor as a medication.
This is really a lie wrapped in deception and not about women at all meant to distract us from the utter failure the last four years have been.
January 7,2012 - George Stephanopoulos asked Mitt Romney a question about states rights and contraception. Romney said he had no idea, he couldn’t imagine the question even coming up, and that it was silly. Stephanopoulos was determined and kept pressing the question. He was being an Obama hit man and was sent out to lay the ground work for a Democratic campaign issue. It was really about Democrats being scared of Rick Santorum.
January 20, 2012 - Health and Human Services director Kathleen Sebelius makes an issue of Obamacare, contraception, and religious freedom. She did this to set up what was next.
February 10, 2012 - President Obama had a press conference to show how much he love women’s right and the constitution by announcing a change in the mandate he had no power to mandate. There really was no change at all. Nothing has changed in the law. Nothing has been rewritten into the law. It remains the same mandate as before. But, all is well because the President has said so.
February 16, 2012 - The House Oversight Committee Chair scheduled a hearing on “Religious Liberty In The Face Of Obamacare for this date. The Democrats stalled but finally put forth the names of Rev. Barry Lynn, a lawyer with a degree in theology, and Sandra Fluke, ann activist. They requested Rev. Lynn be invited. At 4:30 pm February 15, 2012 the Democrats, “change their minds”, and requested Ms. Fluke be invited knowing there was no time to meet this request. They also told Rev. Lynn not to show. The day of the hearing Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) asked “where are the women”. There were two panels that day. The second panel had two women on it. The witness list is released a week before the hearing. So, Ms. Maloney is completely incompetent or she was intentionally making a sound bite for the mainstream media to parrot.
February 23, 2012 – The Democratic Steering and Policy Committee chaired by Rep. Nancy Pelosi scheduled Sandra Fluke to speak. The purpose of this committee is to assign party members to committees and to advise party leaders on policy. How did Sandra Flukes testimony have anything to do with this meeting? This was really a Democratic press conference set up to look like a committee hearing.
The issue should be the cost of college caused by government intervention. The student loan program allows universities to dump debt onto students and allows degrees like, “Feminist Gender Studies”, to be available to career students, instead of allowing market forces to determine degrees offered. Democrats continue to believe they can dictate from Washington in spite of no evidence that central planning has ever worked.
One of the comments to my original post came dangerously close a real issue which is the Left’s “War on Women”. We can get to the “War on Black America” later. Women are not better off than they were fifty years ago. High divorce rates, the lowest marriage rate in American history, single moms living in poverty, domestic violence are all results of the sixties feminist movement. The only thing keeping women from being equal to men is that damn uterus. So, we medicated it and if it still gets infected we remove the tumor. The result is men continue to abuse women and we have removed any consequences. Sex outside of marriage is abuse of women. Sex for a female is an act of submission. Women give a piece of there soul. Men give sperm. Pretty soon a woman is left empty and angry. Why would the Left want this? A desperate and depressed population will vote for people who say, “I will help you”, even though it is a lie before they will vote for people who say, “I want you to be able to help yourself”, even though it is the truth. That is why women vote for a man who got a blow job in the oval office by a girl young enough to be his daughter. Most women have never met a man who wasn’t a complete ass. I see women look at me when I open a door for my wife. I see them look at me when I talk about her. They look because they have never seen a man act or talk this way.
Women are not equal to men. Gwyneth will get take issue with me but, if anything women are superior. Women are the definers of morality. Feminism has reduced women to being just like men. This man thinks that is not a good thing. Women and men aren’t even separate. We are two halves of the same being. We long for each other with people getting divorced and remarried over and over or just living together, looking for our “soul mate”.
We are living in a post Christian era. Our founders believed our rights came from our creator and wrote that into our founding documents. Argue if you want but this was also a Christian creator. A mainly Christian society says that women are to be revered for their ability to create life. The honor a women bestows on you by joining her life you yours is overwhelming. Joining in marriage creates one being out of two. This unifying belief made us a superior people. We had superior families raising superior children.
Now are rights come from government and they make up rights that don’t exist. Today nobody even knows what the word “bastard” means and we are just like the rest of the world.
The women in my life are anything but average. I am very proud of that. Life has shown me however, that most women will sell their soul for a man’s love. Without the belief that there is a God who expects a man to honor his wife and will judge you if you don’t you are left with man’s nature. Our nature is to dominate. The worse things get the stiffer our necks become. We don’t need God. There is no God. We are smarter than any God anyway and still things keep getting worse. I believe we have a right to our opinions. No matter how wrong I believe the Left is I believe they have a right to say the things they say and think the things they think. The Left does not reciprocate. Make no mistake. They want to shut me up and anyone like me. They want to shut down talk radio. They want to destroy Fox News. I am just too stupid to be bothered with.
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