Black, white, brown, gay, straight, I believe all were made in God's image. I don't remember Jesus condemning anyone except the teachers who were not teaching the truth.
It hurts my heart that anyone believes Christianity hates them.
I also believe we have lost the notion that we should struggle against our natures. Today many believe that our natures are good so whatever our natures tell us to do must be good.
This has created more and more men who do not have the desire or the knowledge to fight their natures and our nature is to be aggressive abusers.
This in turn has cheapened the value of woman. It has given her less options for worthwhile mates and more opportunities for poor choices when choosing a mate.
For "The American Thinker" by Grant Dossetto
Traditional marriage is now 32 for 32 on state constitutional ballots, enacted in centrist or outright liberal states such as Maine and California in direct response to legislative statutes recognizing same-sex marriage, as well as plenty of traditional Democratic strongholds such as Minnesota and Michigan by overwhelming majorities. It passed in North Carolina, while garnering national attention, with over 60% of the vote. Traditional marriage support is truly a bipartisan platform which attracts people across race and income as well as political affiliation. Can this majority coalition truly be at its core nasty and bigoted?
Marriage Roots Traced to Ancient Tribes
While the concept of marriage traces its roots back to ancient tribes seeking social stability, legitimization of offspring and orderly sexual activity, there has always been an economic element. This has changed little when one considers the growth in prenuptial agreements, where love and devotion triumph only after signing on the dotted line.
The Center for Public Justice - by James W. Skillen
If someone wants to argue that two people who have not in the past been recognized as marriage partners should now be recognized as marriage partners, one must demonstrate that marriage law (not civil rights law) has overlooked or misidentified something that it should not have overlooked or misidentified. For thousands of years, marriage law has concerned itself with a particular kind of enduring bond between a man and a woman that includes sexual intercourse—the kind of act that can (but does not always) lead to the woman's pregnancy.
I am not arguing that there are people born with these feelings. I have worked, taught, and loved them. This is a hard topic. People should be able to live their lives without ridicule or discrimination. Your private life is private after all. I believe we are all creations of a loving God. However, It is hard to show any proof that civil marriage has ever been defined as anything other than one man and one woman and to make such a radical redefinition I need to be convinced that the entirety of human history has been in error.